Wow, it is already the end of October. Where on earth has the time gone?! The 3-Day is in 20 days! Yikes!!! I have tons of stuff to do- in fact I still need to pick up my 2nd pair of shoes and break them in. :( Fingers crossed that I can get that done this week. Biggest accomplishment in the past few months- I reached my minimum. Yeah me! I got the donation that put me over the top about a month ago. It was from a relatively new friend who did the walk a few years ago. She lost both her big toenails after the walk. Hopefully mine will be spared.... Anyway, on to happier thoughts. I finally figured out a great way to honor the people I am walking for (and who my sponsors were thinking of when they donated).
Why I walk |
It hangs off my pack. I like it and it is a great reminder of WHY I am walking. So many people have been affected by breast cancer, actually by cancer in general. It is so sad and it is something that shouldn't have to happen. I am glad I can do something in the hope of finding a cure. 60 miles isn't that much, especially if it means my kids could live in a world without cancer.
So how's my training going? I am sure you are just dying to know. Well, honestly not that great. I got some really terrible blisters on my left foot. :( They are finally better and I have figured out how to mole skin the crap out of my foot for optimum comfort. Life has also been happening and it is really hard to make time, especially when my kids are in school or find a babysitter when they are not. Our little green umbrella stroller finally gave out on us, and there is just NO WAY I could get either of my children to walk 5+ miles. I would be carrying them on my back after about the first half mile or so! So no more family walks. Overall this past month or so I have lagged quite a bit. And I know it, and unfortunately my body knows it too. I can feel my body itching to get out there and just do something. It really is amazing how once you start exercising your body craves it. My mood has even not been quite so bright since I haven't been able to do as much. Ugh! That is how I have been feeling lately, and now realizing the walk is only 20 days away double Ugh! I still need to get another pair of shoes and break them in, triple Ugh! Oh well, I'll get it together somehow, I always do! Now it's time to just refocus and get a move on it! (Literally!)
Reflecting at the top of Iron Mountain |
I have managed to get in some pretty great walks! My husband and I did another one of the local mountains. It was pretty tough, but definitely worth it, especially once I reached the top! We walked a 15 miler around the downtown area and around parts of the bay. That was actually a pretty fun walk. We realized how scary parts of downtown were and of course adjusted our walk after that. We discovered that the Maritime Museum is building a replica of the Spanish ship
San Salvador. That was a super cool find. We also spotted two golden eagles (at least that is what we think they were) while walking through some back areas of Balboa Park. That was awesome. We got really close to them before they flew off. They were huge! It has been really great to discover so many new things just by walking around the city. This coming Monday we will probably do another long walk. Probably through downtown again, but not the creepy parts we went through last time. I have walked 212 miles since I started training. I am guessing after the weekend is said and done I'll probably have walked somewhere just over 300 miles on this adventure. We shall see...
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