Saturday, April 30, 2011

Letters and Fear...

Donations, sponsors, asking people for money. One word- UGH!  Don't get me wrong, this is a great cause, but I prefer to be the donator, rather than the one asking for donations. Let's face it, I've never been a huge fan of asking people to sponsor me for anything. Including when I was in elementary school and had to run jog-a-thons. I even sucked at selling Girl Scout Cookies when I was 10. I'm good at my job now, but that is a whole different story. So writing my donation letters and sending emails is kinda like pulling teeth for me.  But they are finally written, I just need to print, write nice little personal notes (I am all about being personal), and make a visit to the post office. I have to admit, I kind of have this picture in my head of my husband dragging me to the mail box to drop these letters off. The thing is, if he doesn't get after me, they will sit there cluttering up the desk in the entry way for a week or more. So I suppose now is the perfect time to get over my fear of asking people for donations and just get it done. Because, really? What will happen? My requests will just be ignored (hopefully not), or better yet, people will actually see that fighting Breast Cancer is a worthy cause and that they can help me make a difference.

A little update- my mother-in-law has started radiation treatments and is feeling good so far! Let's hope she continues to feel great!

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