So this morning I attended my first official 3-Day for the Cure Super Clinic. A shoe clinic- hence the shiny, sparkly new shoes pictured below. I have been really looking forward to starting my training and haven't wanted to without shoes. So I am ridiculously excited about my new duds. I love shoes. Wait, let me rephrase that- I love new sports shoes. Fancy, pretty, girly shoes... not so much. I suppose that is because I am tall. 5' 9.25" to be exact. Oh, and I have big feet, a 10.5 or 11. Do they make cute, girly shoes in a 10.5 that don't cost a ridiculous sum of money? No. Do they make a size 11 that would actually fit my feet, not make me look like a giant transvestite and also won't break the bank? Not really. So I wear sandals (ok flip-flops), and sports shoes, and very rarely the nice pretty shoe that did break the bank and happens to make me tower over my husband. But hey, not really the point of this particular post... so now back to my new exciting shoes...
My new beauties! |
Let me just tell you buying these bad boys was quite an experience. If you have never been to a technical store where they actually stick you on a treadmill and measure your gait, your balance, your arches, and all that other fun stuff then you need to get out there and try it, at least once. It was pretty interesting (and maybe a tiny bit intimidating) going through everything. The clerk asks you a bunch of questions and does all the little tests and then discusses all of your results with you. I was actually surprised at my results. I knew my shoe size- huge :o), my width was normal, again not really a surprise, good balance (yeah me!), and high arches. What? High arches? When did that happen? In high school, I had pretty flat feet. But hey, new studies are coming out saying that you can actually build up the arches in your feet by exercising, being barefoot, and blah... blah... Here is a link to an article if you actually want to read about that kind of stuff
America's Podiatrist. Anyway, back to my new shoes... So after doing all the testing I was introduced to a "shoe expert" and fitted for my new shoes. He brought out a couple of different brands, including a pair of Nike that were so soft they literally felt like I was walking on marshmallows. Not for me. So that's how I ended up with these funky Saucony. They are the Women's ProGrid Triumph 8 in case you want me to get all techie on you. ;o) Anyway, time to get training and believe me, I can't wait to take them out, get 'em dirty, and start stomping out breast cancer!
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there... or to any of you who have ever had a Mom!